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Golf Course Renovations

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Pakenham Golf Course will undergo green renovations commencing Wednesday January 31st through to Tuesday February 6th.

Addressing Golf Course Conditions

After taking over management of golf course in late 2023, GSM established a growing list of priority areas relating to the course conditions which required addressing by our grounds team.

The upcoming renovations will address one of the key areas identified, being the 20 greens throughout the facility (18 holes and 2 practice greens).

These planned works on the green surface will dramatically improve the overall condition of the golf course once the recovery period has passed. 

Works Overview

Every one of the greens throughout the venue will receive varying degrees of maintenance, ranging from Scarify, Needle Tine and Dusting through to a complete green surface replacement.


    • The main works program will take place from Wednesday Jan 31 – Tuesday Feb 6
    • During the works as well as the recovery period, the 9 hole rate will apply for ALL green fees at the venue
    • The recovery period is expected to be around 2 weeks, but this will be assessed once renovation works have been completed.

We thank each of you for your patience as we make substantial improvements to your golf course.

Photo of Pakenham Golf Course Green – Taken May 14 2023 (Prior to GSM)

Pakenham Golf Course at Deep Creek Reserve

62 Cameron Way, Deep Creek Reserve, Pakenham

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